2022 Hometown HEROES Magazine LINCOLN DAILY NEWS May / June 2022 Page 33 Continue 8 The problem with that was there was no one locally who would do a humane capture. The ladies didn’t want the kitten hurt, they just wanted it out of the house. In desperation, Cummings on Wednesday went to the Logan County Animal Control, hoping they would be able to do something to help. Like the Humane Society, Animal Control has no plan for extricating animals out of walls. But, while Cummings was there, so was Lincoln K-9 Officer Ryan Sullivan. Visiting Animal Control on another matter, he heard the conversation between Cummings and the staff and saw that the lady was agitated and desperate to find someone to help her. As she was getting ready to leave the animal control office, Sullivan stepped in, telling her who he was, he said that he would be happy to follow her home and see if there was anything he could do to help out. Cummings welcomed the help and off the two went back to the Cummings home. Officer Sullivan was able to follow the mewing and finally announced to Cummings that he had located the kitten. It was in a wall in her home, between the finished drywall of the room and the outside wall of the structure. He told Cummings he believed he could get to the kitten, but unfortunately he would have to tear a hole in her drywall. He asked her if she wanted him to continue. I just said “do it,” and Officer Sullivan went to work. It took more than an hour to get to the kitten and pull it out of the wall.