2014 Together for Lincoln - page 3

2014 TOGETHER FOR LINCOLN LINCOLN DAILY NEWS.com September 22, 2014 page 3
Hundreds serve together on one work day
Many are blessed by
Together for Lincoln
everal churches joined together to
serve the community in various ways
as part of the 7th Annual Together for
Lincoln day on Sunday, September 21, 2014.
Approximately 300 volunteers worked on 30
general projects such as yard clean-up, win-
dow washing, and general construction.
Kaye Wessbecher said that there were also
ten weatherization projects, which included
window and door replacement. Those whose
homes were being weatherized expressed
gratitude for the work being done. For in-
stance, Waylon Turner, who had four people
replacing five windows in his house said that
everyone was doing a great job and he ap-
preciated all they were doing, noting it was a
wonderful day for this work.
Rob Hall, who has helped with Together for
Lincoln for several years, was having windows
replaced. He mentioned that he and his wife have
had health problems and medical bills have piled
up, but the windows needed to be replaced. As
with many other families, Hall said they get so
busy working, it can be difficult to get everything
done. He expressed appreciation for the service
provided saying it is very good to have this help.
On Together for Lincoln Sundays, Hall said that
he also enjoys seeing all the churches putting
aside their differences for a day of labor together.
Terry Cooley was having nine windows replaced
at her home. She is very happy to get new win-
dows put in by the seven volunteers who were
there. She observed that it would be very
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