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The Logan County Fair
page 320 Tuesday, August 7, 2012
The winners included Lisa Lincoln of Knoxville.
Lincoln, pictured at left, took purple in Hand
Embroidery, with the ribbon being sponsored by St.
John United Church of Christ Stitchers and presented
by Jenna Michalsen on their behalf. Lincoln also won
in Holiday Crafts, and that ribbon was sponsored by
Beaches Boutique. Finally, she took a third purple
ribbon in the Counted Cross Stitch category, and that
ribbon was sponsored by Serendipity Stitches.
At 96 years of age, Esther Will of Lincoln has been
an exhibitor at the Logan County Fair for 60 years.
This year she took ribbons with these two lovely
quilts, plus she earned green ribbons in the Dairy and
Culinary competitions as well as floriculture.
Beth Turley of Lincoln won Best of Show in Knitting
with this lovely stone bracelet. Her ribbon was
sponsored by Serendipity Stitches.
Ann Rademaker won the Best of Class in the
Residential Setting category. Her ribbon was
sponsored by the Lincoln’s Logan County Arts and
Crafts Guild.
2012 LOGAN COUNTY FAIR. A special editon of LINCOLN DAILY July 31, 2012