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The Logan County Fair
page 177 Friday, August 3, 2012
After the first set of children chasing chickens, it was time to move on to the goat scramble.
Children who win goats must be in or join 4-H and are required to keep and take care of the goat for one year.
At the 2013 Logan County Fair, they will be expected to show their goat in at least one category, the Scramble
They may also enter their animal in other categories, such as Pet Goat.
While the night of the scramble is all about fun, the kids are by their participation saying they are ready, willing
and able to work to care for an animal and show that animal in a fair setting. For some of them, it will be the
first step in their 4-H career, and for others it will be the next step in their 4-H career.
Pictures by Lisa Ramlow and Nila Smith
2012 LOGAN COUNTY FAIR. A special editon of LINCOLN DAILY July 31, 2012